William Paul Butusov's glider, tested at the Dune Park location in September of
1896, attracted more attention than any other experiment in the dunes that summer.
(See the list of newspaper articles below.) No doubt because of it's ambitious size
and elaborate launching pad, this was a better story to most of the reporters than
the simple 16 foot two-surfaced glider that was to have much more impact on the
history of aviation.
William Paul applied for a patent on his machine on July 16, 1896 with the declaration
that "The object of my invention is to provide a machine for sailing
or soaring in the air of a simple, strong, light and durable construction, capable
of being perfectly balanced and controlled at all times, and which can be operated
with safety and ease, having but few moveable parts or devices requiring manipulation."
Also from the patent is a description of how the machine works: "The steering
or guiding of the machine up or down or so as to cause it to ascend or descend,
as may be required from time to time, is effected by the operator moving or leaning
his body forward or back, so as to change the angle of incidence of the kite or
plane to the wind and that of the wings to the wind." (Both quotes from the
specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 606,187, dated June 28, 1898; US
Patent Office.